Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Today's the beginning

It's February 28, and my Kindle Scout campaign is up and running! I myself am at the National Preparedness Institute, which is not nearly as impressive as it sounds. I'm setting up for moulage as you read this, possibly. This link should be live now:

But here's the story again according to Kindle Scout (2018):

  • A book is a new, never-before-published work of 50,000 words or more that you'd like to see published. In my case, the book is called Gaia's Hands.
  • An author is the person who has written and submitted a book to Kindle Scout. That would be me, Lauren Leach-Steffens, also the author of this blog.
  • Readers (that means all of you) scout the site and nominate books they want to see published.
  • Nominations are how readers show support for a book. Readers can nominate up to three books at a time. This is what I'm asking you to do.
  • A campaign is a 30-day scouting period during which readers nominate books to be published. Mine is from February 28-March 30.
  • The Kindle Scout team makes the final call on which books are published by Kindle Press. This will depend largely on how many nominations. This is what scares me, because it sounds like a popularity contest and I've never been popular.
  • Kindle Press publishes the books discovered through Kindle Scout. This is my goal -- not for the $1500 cash advance, or royalties. I want to be read and enjoyed and maybe make people think. (Although I could get a new computer with the royalties, one that can handle graphics so I can map my landscapes using SketchUp without bombing the computer)

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