Sunday, February 25, 2018

Considering self-publishing

I'd like some feedback from my readers:  Would you read my e-book? Click the comment link below and comment. You can stay anonymous so you can honestly say, "I wouldn't read your book. I don't even know why I'm reading your blog except that I'm your long-lost great grandma and I'm so proud of you!"

I'm actually considering self-publishing for the first time, even though my books will probably languish there without anyone reading them except my friends (and I have few close friends who will go out of their way to read my work). Why?

  1. Because I need some sense of closure.*
  2. Because I can't make an intelligent decision of whether to continue writing unless I get feedback**
  3. Because I can't change the world, even a little, with them on my cloud drive.
  4. Because, although agents appear to disdain self-publishing, I imagine they disdain my queries, so I'm not behind.
  6. Because, in a fairy tale, I might get discovered in e-book.
  7. Because I believe in what Quakers call leadings***.

The book I would self-publish would be Gaia's Hands, a prequel to my Mythos series. It doesn't touch on that series directly -- no Archetypes -- but involves the origin of the modern Garden of Eden, and the influence of Gaia, the Earth-soul. It also involves two unlikely protagonists -- a professor of plant biology and her much younger poet suitor -- and a seemingly sentient bean stalk. If you squint closely, you'll recognize the terrain as Central Illinois, my childhood home. (Aunt Peggy, Carla, and others who read a previous draft -- this has been edited and rewritten extensively.

* Books on one's cloud drive don't feel like finished works.

** Again, why I keep hoping people will comment.

*** (Sorry to get minority religious here). Quakers don't necessarily believe everything happens for a reason, so we're not going to tell you God needed a little angel when your kid dies. However, they strongly believe God tells us to pursue something, and when we get that feeling, we seek clearness committees of our peers to sound out our leading. I never had a clearness committee on my leading to write, which may be the problem. I haven't been able to suss out a meaning myself, because of my bad luck in getting an agent/getting published.

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