Thursday, February 15, 2018

To Query or Not to Query (again)

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

I'm contemplating sending out queries -- the packets of synopsis and short excerpt and stuff the agents request -- again. Even after the over 100 rejections I've gained over the years, I want to try again. Just in case someone's in a better mood or something.

I'm thinking of trying something different:

  • Going by a pen name?
  • Going by a MALE pen name? It would burn my butt if I got a agent's representation as a male and not as a female (but imagine that first meeting)!
  • Send in to literary fiction agents in addition to (or instead of) science fiction/fantasy agents?
  • Just giving up?
  • Retitling the book? 
I'm not sure why I'm contemplating this again -- could it be because I'm sitting on seven finished books, five of which I believe are publishable? Or that I don't sit still very well, I don't watch tv, and my Internet use mainly consists of blogging and researching (books and plants)? Or that I refuse to believe that my writing isn't good enough? Or maybe I'm just a masochist?

Or maybe, just maybe, the stars will align and a receptive agent will take a chance on something just a little different. Or tell me what needs fixing instead of the standard "It's not you, it's me" form letter. 

I really want to reach the next part of my journey.

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