Monday, February 26, 2018

My Kindle Scout Campaign -- asking a BIG favor

I have been accepted for a Kindle Scout campaign which will go live on February 28, while I'm off at Atlantic Hope doing moulage for a humanitarian exercise ("Atlantica -- You'll have a riot here")

Just in case you didn't know who Gaia is. 

This link will be available from February 28, 2018 12:00 AM EST through March 30, 2018 12:00 AM EDT:
Kindle Scout Campaign for Gaia's Hands

The basics are:

Readers scout the site and nominate books they want to see published.

Nominations are how readers show support for a book. Readers can nominate up to three books at a time.

campaign is a 30-day scouting period during which readers nominate books to be published.

The Kindle Scout team makes the final call on which books are published by Kindle Press.

Kindle Press publishes the books discovered through Kindle Scout.
I hate begging my readers for nominations,  because it seems overly needy of me, but this is how Kindle Scout works. So I will not beg -- I will only ask that you consider nominating me when this goes live!

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