Wednesday, February 14, 2018

If ignorance is bliss

I should have been ecstatic about my blog stats yesterday, but I wasn't:

At about noon yesterday, I looked at my stats for this blog and saw more hits on my blog than I'd ever had before from two countries, Russia and Portugal. Russia and Portugal were semi-frequent (in the case of Russia) or frequent (in the case of Portugal) visitors to the blog.

So, what's the problem here? Webcrawlers. Bots. Robots. Spiders. Slimy bastards. Computer programs that investigate a blog to mine information, whether it be an email to send spam mail to (No, I don't want to be a REAL man!) or who knows what purpose! If you look below at the circled diagram, you'll note that the action started close to noon and peaked at noon, which is more activity than I get when I publish (see the spike at the far left). 

Russia, according to my friend Dann (hi, Dann!) is a hotbed of bot activity, whether to feed addresses to a spambot, influence US politics, or look for coded messages. I hope to heck Russia's looking for coded messages, so at least I can get a good short story about mistaken identity out of it. I had always imagined Russia to be an adolescent female who wanted a writing career. I'm disappointed to find out she's not.

The US is probably not using a bot -- I actually do have at least 16 friends who read this blog. But I don't know most of them.

Where this really disillusions me is Portugal. I know nobody in Portugal, so that was my favorite mystery. I imagined Portugal to be a Secret Admirer, which is really a silly thing for a fifty-something woman to fantasize about, isn't it? A younger fellow who's too shy to actually give you meaningful information but courts your curiosity, and elicits laughter but no jealousy from your significant other? Women my age are more likely to get "Hi, surrogate mommy!" which is not flattering at all. 

So I have lost a little spring in my step with the loss of my Secret Admirer fantasy. It's okay -- as I told Dann, I prefer the truth always. 

But the fantasy makes for better stories.

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I believe that everyone here comes with good intent. If you come to spoil my assumptions by verbal abuse, excessive profanity, spam or other abuses I had not considered, I reserve the right to delete your notes or delete your participation. I am the arbiter of what violates good intent.