Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 34 Lenten Meditation: Reach

The word "reach" implies two things: 1) that there is something we desire just beyond our grasp, and 2) that we will exert effort to get it.

We as humans are programmed to want what we don't have. Without desire, our race would have died a long time ago. So we reach -- with our hands to grasp, with our effort to accomplish, with our curiosity to discover, with our frustration to understand, with our loneliness to love.

I would argue that our need to reach out is a sacred thing, but only when balanced with compassion. It is possible to desire too much, to reach with a greedy fist, to wrest with that hand what others need to survive. It is entirely too possible to keep grasping and keep wanting, with no desire to visit the things already obtained. 

So we as humans stand at a ledge, grasping. If we reach out too far, if we reach out too often, we will fall into the chasm. We will cease to be with others, surrounded only by what we have obtained. The thing that will keep us from falling down the chasm is to balance "I want" with "I care". 

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