Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 32 Lenten Meditation: Surrender

This is a difficult column for me to write, because I am the sort of person who wants to fix things, to do things, to make things happen. I don't like getting into situations where I can't make things happen.

I don't surrender easily. I am convinced that if I beat my head against something long enough, I will accomplish it.

Some things, however, don't lend themselves to beating one's head against something long enough. A pandemic, for example. I sit here, helpless. I can do nothing. I can't even sew well enough to make masks.  

This is the point where I have to surrender. I'll be honest, I don't believe that God will take away the pandemic, or that it's His will that millions of people will get this disease. My God, when I believe in him, gives comfort and strength and the clarity for us to use our minds to solve things. So I don't surrender to God's will. I surrender to my own imperfect humanity.

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