Friday, March 15, 2019

Day 10 Reflection: Partnerships

I like to work alone. I feel working with people complicates things and takes up extra time. It's not as efficient as working on my own. I have to work around other people's schedules, and ... 

I imagine many of you reading this are nodding your heads in agreement. It's just easier to get things done on our own. Unless, of course, they're things too big for us to accomplish. Or we don't have the know-how to do them. 

So we seek partnerships. And we find partnerships difficult, because we have to deal with the messy tension of working with other people. We struggle with communication at times. We see the problem differently, and the solution differently as well. We have different priorities, different perspectives. Even in the best of partnerships, we struggle at moments, because we're not psychic twins with our partner.

But partnerships have a power that working on one's own lacks. The power that comes from those different perspectives. The advantage of having a complement of skills to address a situation, to find a solution. The ability to tackle big problems. 

The power of a partnership is worth giving up a little independence, stepping back to negotiate rather than charging in and doing something, and having sole control of the vision.

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