Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Day 1 Reflection: Dedication

My list of blog posts

I have written 693 blog posts including this post. In mid-April, this blog will be two years old. I write almost every day unless I'm fighting depression, and even then I usually write.

I don't always feel motivated to write. I would find it easy to devote myself to writing if I received accolades for it, or if I knew my writing impacted someone in some way. Rewarding a behavior results in more of that behavior -- that's called classical conditioning. In the case of my blog, readership and comments and likes would be the rewards for blogging behavior. However, I only have an average of twenty readers per day, and I have no idea whether they like my work. Comments on the blog and likes on Facebook and Twitter are few and far between.

Still, I write, almost every day. 

It takes dedication -- in my case, dedication to the craft of writing; dedication to the confraternity of writers; dedication to the concept that it's important to reflect, to soul-search, to speak truth whether or not anyone listens.

Dedication in the face of obscurity makes me more solid, braced by my convictions that writing is the work of my soul. 


  1. Such a good message.. Just keep showing up to the page.

  2. Thank you for reading! I hope you keep showing up here too!

  3. I read daily, I often comment, but they don't always show up?!

  4. Stephanie -- I get yours now and again; at least two or three you've sent; just not lately!


I believe that everyone here comes with good intent. If you come to spoil my assumptions by verbal abuse, excessive profanity, spam or other abuses I had not considered, I reserve the right to delete your notes or delete your participation. I am the arbiter of what violates good intent.