Monday, May 14, 2018

Going Back to School

Today is the first day of my Disaster Mental Health certificate program.  I can't believe I'm going back to school after getting a PhD and this late in my career, yet here I am. 

As it turns out, I have a good role model in my father. My father got his high school diploma and learned electronics in the military. I remember growing up with him taking a correspondence course in electronics with all these little paper booklets that were individual lessons. Later, he would go off to Dublin, Ohio to take various courses on the changing technology of his job, installing telephone switching equipment. A lot of his colleagues didn't take the company up on their training, believing that the union would protect them. The union did not protect them, and so they slowly got transferred and laid off. Eventually, my dad was one of the few remaining workers in an increasingly automated system. AT&T would hand him a building full of equipment and a 32-page schematic and tell him to throw the switch and lock the door when it was done. In addition to this, he took a pastry chef class at the community college, and my family let him make the pie crust from then on out.

I did my first lesson this morning, and I found the material engaging and worthwhile. Maybe I haven't forgotten how to be a student!

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