Sunday, May 6, 2018

A Pattern to my Days

As a professor, summer has a different pattern than the rest of the school year. The belief is that professors are "off for the summer", and that's generally not true for the faculty I know. The focus of our work changes, and we teach more concentrated courses and hold our office hours in Starbucks. We do research projects and revamp classes and write, and we may supervise internships and field experiences.

I'm currently splitting my days into three parts. Early in the morning, instead of writing this blog, I work on the next week in my drastic revision of People, Money, and Psychology. Instead of running it as a cognitive psychology class about money, I'm creating a class about poverty and all the ways it's not just about lack of money. I'm two-thirds the way through the lesson plans. The rest is easier once I have a shape to the class. 

After that, I write the blog. Not that I don't love all twenty-something of you, but I have to give my freshest coffee-fueled brain cells to the classwork first. I haven't felt too inspired lately on the blog front, and I apologize.

Finally, my day is split between getting some sort of walk in, editing Voyageurs, and planting plants in my soon-to-be amazing garden. 

So what are you up to today? 

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