Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Death of a Story

I lost 1500 words of a promising short story yesterday.

After a thorough search of my computer, it seems to have never been saved. I blame this on trying to catch my computer when it fell yesterday; my fingers must have accidentally hit the wrong keys.

I am in mourning. I know the exact plot points thus far; I even have them in outline form. I know the personalities of the main characters. I know the settings. But I don't seem to get the right words in place to set the mood.

The story is space opera, so it's supposed to be jaunty and humorous. But when I tried to rewrite it yesterday it just came off as sad. 

There's a part of me, a very superstitious and pessimistic part of me that thinks that I lost the story because it wasn't any good. As this is also the part of me that thinks I'll never get published, I'm working hard to ignore it.

Please hold me and my story in your thoughts today.

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