Monday, December 17, 2018


I haven't written in a couple days, for which I'm sorry. I like interacting with all of you.


  • My final grades get turned in at 10 AM today. I have NO incomplete grades for perhaps ever. 
  • I've gotten a few more rejections on Prodigies. I have to find a different strategy or give up.
  • I have a lot of editing to do with Voyageurs. The "let's rearrange the chapters" kind of edit. The "I don't like your characters" kind of edit. I'm dragging my feet on the edit because I'm still braindead from the end of the semester. But I push myself an hour at a time. 

I don't know how to talk about the rejections without whining. If effort were enough, I would be published, because Prodigies went through two dev editors and should be pretty polished by now. I am getting rejected because the book "just doesn't grab them." I don't know what to do about that. Maybe that's one more thing to learn. 

Talk later -- back to editing. 

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