Friday, December 14, 2018

Fantasies about writing

I'm still getting rejections, despite the improvements I've made to Prodigies. I'm also getting compliments despite that -- I've been complimented for the quality of my writing, the scope of my story, and my character development. I don't think the agents are saying this just to be nice. It's just that the story doesn't grab them. Or something.

I still entertain the belief that I can get an agent, and then get published. I sometimes entertain Walter Mitty-esque fantasies that I can make the New York Times bestseller list, and then I get another rejection and realize that I should settle for getting published by a smaller traditional publisher (AKA one that doesn't expect me to do all the marketing, because I'm a writer, not a marketer.

My fantasies are out there, but at least they push me to work my hardest on my craft. Even if no agents want to take it on.

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