Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Finals Week

I haven't been doing any editing lately (apologies to my dev editor) because I'm in the middle of finals week. For those of you who have never been college students, this week is a twice-a-year ritual in which professors torture students by making them demonstrate that they actually know the course material. For those of you who have been college students, this week is a twice-a-year ritual in which professors torture students by -- you get the drift.

From a professor's point of view, it's a strange week where office hours are empty and professors prowl around the halls to tell stories of the worst requests they've gotten from students. Best one yet: the student who demanded an A because his "answers were right". (Spoiler: No, they weren't.) It's a hurry up and wait time, where one waits to give exams and then frantically grades them so that semester grades can be turned in by the following Monday.

It's a time when the outside world is calling -- in December, the delights of Christmas; in May the beautiful weather. But to the professor or instructor, they are at best fleeting until the grades go in.


I am giving my first final today -- actually, they are turning it in because it's an essay final. I will spend the next couple days grading it. I am wearing my ugly Christmas sweater (the reinkitty one -- think of Santa's sleigh with cats) because I need a little Christmas during finals' week.

I anticipate having grades done by Thursday to turn in, and then I'm done for the semester. I'll restart editing Voyageurs then, in the hopes that it will be a worthy submission. I will wait for query responses on Prodigies, hoping for a Christmas present.

May your days be merry and bright.

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