Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve -- a little on the prosaic side

I write this from Ottawa, Illinois, where I am visiting my father and sister and her family for Christmas.

Things I'm thinking about:

1) I wish I could drop Northwest Missouri State (my place of employment) onto Ottawa. This would unite a college town without a college (Ottawa) with a college without a college town (Maryville). I miss the river and the beautiful state parks and the invigorated atmosphere of a town that attracts people from Chicago and the suburbs,.

2) I still have to adjust to being 55. The hardest part is that it's now unseemly for me to get crushes on younger men (maybe it was before, but I didn't notice). I've gone from being flattering to being an embarassment. This is a major adjustment for me.

3) I can be with my family without talking much. This is a relief.

4) I'm editing Voyageurs, and the big problem is that I have to "fill in" with 34,000 words. I have NO IDEA how to do this. Think good thoughts.

Merry Christmas to all my readers -- please keep in touch!

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