Tuesday, December 4, 2018

An embarrassment of riches

I don't know what to write next.

This, as you may guess, is unusual for me. I have eight novels (with two needing serious work to redo), and these were written in a five-year period. (And should have been edited more ruthlessly much sooner, but I didn't know better).

I want to hold off a bit on editing the two that need serious work (why? Because I feel like I haven't done anything but edit lately.)

I have a couple ideas of what to write:

  • Gods' Seeds. This would be another book in the Archetype universe, taking place after Reclaiming the Balance (which needs much work) and before Whose Hearts are Mountains. and which features a brewing war among Archetypes 
  • A sequel to Voyageurs, which would require a lot of history research, which I detest
  • A sequel to Prodigies, a New Adult novel, with no idea who I'd be following.
  • Something new and I have no idea. 
None of them are grabbing me yet. Probably because I feel guilty for having books out there that need editing. 

I suppose this is an embarrassment of riches and I shouldn't complain.

Time for me to see what ideas grab me ...

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