Monday, August 27, 2018

I love you.

I love you.

I've gotten off track in my life. There was a time I held those three words in my mind when encountering everyone.

I learned that trick during a massage class years ago with Patch Adams (yes, that Patch Adams for those in the know). He saw massage as a way of giving to others and not a way to get into someone's pants. ("If you want to get into someone's pants, tell them, 'Hey, I'd like to get into your pants.' If you want to give them a massage, ask to give them a massage.") He also told the class that if they held the thought "I love you" in their minds, it would make the massage better. And I did, because at that age it was easy for me to love.

As I got older, people seemed less approachable than they were when I was in college. I forgot how to give massages. I forgot how to hug. I forgot to hold "I love you" in my mind when interacting with people. I found myself burdened by grudges, jealousy, all those adult feelings that get in the way.

Last night, during my meditation, my wiser self reminded me of those words, and included others that would help people's souls:

I love you.
I thank you for being here.
You are beautiful.

I will not say them out loud, because there's so much baggage with these words, as if we were trying to get into someone's pants rather than give a massage with no strings attached.

I love you.
I thank you for being here.
You are beautiful.

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