Friday, August 31, 2018

Back in the Swing -- oops!

Yesterday, I could finally look at Whose Hearts are Mountains and shape the parts I'd abandoned while answering the developmental edits on Prodigies (which I  need to ship out to other agents at some point).

I think it's a better story than I thought previously.

Honestly, I'm trying to figure out what to do with all the Archetype universe stuff since the first book, Mythos, is such a royal mess. (Or maybe it's not -- I have an idea ...)

Just got done rearranging a lot of things. I'm doing serious surgery on Mythos (cutting it drastically back; merging it with Apocalypse) and my developmental editor Chelsea Harper is now editing my first book, which may be the original Lost Cause. That means putting off the end of Whose Hearts are Mountains. Whee.

I have to keep reminding myself that writing is a growing experience.

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