Saturday, August 4, 2018

Happy 500

Wow. Yesterday was my 500th post!

Right now seems to be a time of musing and not much of writing. I'm done with my online class and prepping for a ten-day trip, half vacation and half volunteer work in moulage.  I'm going to upstate New York for New York Hope again, which is one of my three standing moulage gigs for the year -- so more making ordinary people look like trauma victims.

The vacation part is how we will get there and back -- by train, with a roomette both ways of the 15-hour trip. Richard and I are both train fanatics, and even though Amtrak pales compared to the golden age of train travel in the US, roomettes and business class still are novel enough for us to enjoy.

The second part of vacation will be going To Oneonta, where I used to teach college. It's been about 20 years since I left, so I'm expecting things will be different and that I won't know anyone there. It's okay -- I want to see Oneonta again because I still dream of it now and again; it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever lived.

I'll write when I can, although not as often as I usually do while on vacation.

Love you all.

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