Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I need to play.

I was told I would have to give that up as an adult. I don't listen well. I need to play. 

Not something as structured as board games -- I'm rather competitive and I hate to lose. Role playing -- I love that. To me the game is secondary to being in character. Acting in plays in high school was one of my favorite ways of playing, but truth be told I'm not very good at it, mostly because my relationship with my body is awkward at best.

Nowadays, I play with ideas. Ideas for books or short stories, ideas for papers I want to write, ideas just for fun, like "What would your warning label say?" (Mine would say "Caution: Volatile moods", even though I'm mellow most of the time). 

I play with knowledge. I'm still teaching Richard the difference between Queen Anne's Lace and poison hemlock (an important distinction, more so since I once saved someone's life when they thought the big spotted stems in their backyard were rhubarb). 

I play with learning. I always want to learn something new, especially if it creates something useful. This is why I wish I could learn knitting, crocheting, or tatting. (The two problems are 1) my hand-eye coordination and 2) being able to crack the arcane pattern code and not getting lost on the page.) But I've done winemaking, jelly making, and Thai cooking.

I play with creativity. Creating characters, realistic dialogue, funny scenes.

I also like to play with finger paints, stick drawings, and funny noises.

I'm going to go play now!!

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