Tuesday, April 23, 2019

In a Stuck Place

So I've been told by my developmental editor that I need to rewrite Apocalypse -- not because it's so bad, she says, but because it's so good. My developmental editor, Chelsea Harper, knows her stuff and I know she's right. Apocalypse is the combination of the second and third books I'd written, and I didn't know things that I know now.

Still, I'm finding it hard to rewrite. First, because my semester is winding down, I have end-of-semester items in mind even when I'm not doing them yet, things like the final exam and projects to grade.  

Second, because -- well, basically what I have to do with the rewrite is:
1) Stretch out three chapters into the first third of the book
2) Rewrite the rest of the book with fewer points of view
3) Cut out some of the lag from the second half of the book
4) Add more tension and loss.

I think I can deal with 2-4 relatively easily, but I struggle with stretching out that first three chapters to eight chapters. I've tried outlining it (being a plantser, or someone who roughly outlines and fills in) but I don't feel the inspiration. 

I think I need to sit with it a while, talk with my characters and see what it is they want to do. 

Wish me luck.

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