Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Short post -- Moulage and External Validation

I may not be writing as much this week, because this is my big week for performing moulage. If I haven't mentioned it, moulage is casualty simulation for emergency workers. This week I do two events -- a small one this morning where I help out with the high school's annual docudrama where they hammer home the consequences of drinking/texting while driving. Richard and I will moulage seven high schoolers.

This Friday-Sunday is the big event, Missouri Hope. The biggest of the Hope exercises held by Consortium for Humanitarian Service and Education, we will moulage about 200 people by the time we're done. I will have a bigger crew, perhaps 8 per day, and I will provide hands-on training while we create victims -- all simulated injuries of course -- of a major tornado so that emergency personnel and students can use their skills in a realistic scenario.

I have developed a reputation for this among the CHSE exercises, which makes me happy. I know I can do better, and I always try to do better. In that way, it's like writing, but I feel more secure about it because I have external validation. And external validation is one of the biggest motivators there is.

My colleagues call me the Queen of Gore. What better external validation is that?

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