Friday, October 6, 2017

Elevator Pitches

This morning, I worked on what are known as elevator pitches. These are short hooks that should encapsulate the book and interest the agent or publisher to reach further. They're so named because one could describe their book to an agent trapped in an elevator with them between the first and second floor.

I don't trap agents in elevators often -- actually, not at all. I use elevator pitches in a semi-annual event called #PitchMad on Twitter. When IS the next #PitchMad?

Some people use the "Bambi Meets Godzilla" format, but I'm not inclined to do that --  I don't think "Tolkien meets Mad Max" is really a good hook for my stuff. (Yes, the current work in progress could conceivably be described as such.)

Some people use the phrase "In a world in which..." which turns agents off because it sounds like it should be read aloud in Radio Announcer voice.

So these are my pitches (any agents reading, take note:)

Voyageurs: The past holds a secret that could change the future.

Gaia’s Hands: Gaia called them to be her Hands.

Mythos:  In the wrong hands, a myth could kill.

Apocalypse: The battle for Earth, no weapons allowed.

Reclaiming the Balance: In a post-racial world, half-humans are the new blacks.

Hearts are Mountains: After the Collapse, a woman travels toward discovery and danger.

Prodigies: To be Talented is to be an exploited commodity.

Notes: Hearts are Mountains is the book I'm starting during NaNo; Prodigies is the book I put aside while I work on the NaNo book.

Let me know what you think!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am not a writer so i do not know which is the best. Do what you think is right.
    This is Lanetta


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