Wednesday, May 3, 2017

This paragraph may be the one that pushed me to write novels

And if you, the esteemed reader, should read to the story's end, the spell contained within this book shall bestow upon you the powers of the heroine, and grant you your wish. For indeed the moment the page is turned, the story will become reality."
—The Universe of the Four Gods, Manga Chapter 1 
The above came from a manga/anime called "Fushigi Yuugi" or, in approximate English, "The Mysterious Game (or Play)".* This classic anime series served up more than just the inevitable love triangle -- with ancient prophecies, love beyond death, and shadow archetypes, it certainly hooked me in. 

Watching it now, FY hasn't aged as well as I've liked, or perhaps it's that I'm no longer a high school girl **. The female protagonist Miaka keeps making stupid mistakes, her male protector Tamahome gets sappy, and everyone falls in love with her despite her clumsiness***.

But that line of the legendary book that starts the adventure of Fushigi Yuugi! Don't we all wish our writing will bestow powers upon all our readers, captivate them, become their reality while they're reading, grant them the wish of going beyond what they feel are the confines of their lives?

 *Note: I do not speak Japanese (or any language other than English).
** I'm 52. No duh.
*** Twilight did NOT use this idea first.

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