Monday, June 25, 2018


I'm re-editing Mythos (how many times has this been now?) on the advice of my current beta-reader (beta-reader #2 has gotten very busy and hasn't gotten back to it). Most of what we've found are little mistakes I should have caught myself, contradictions (oops!) and awkward and vague sentences. I'm halfway through the book correcting these.

I've also rewritten a couple scenes to be more suspenseful, but as always, the big question comes:

Will agents like it as much as I like it?
Yes, I'm about to go through the rejection cycle again.

I know we've been through this before. I get excited, I send queries, and I get rejections. Why do I keep trying?

I guess I have perseverance. It might be one of my best qualities -- not giving up. It may be one of my worst, as shown by the time I let a Siamese cat scratch me 28 times until I finally petted it.

So I'm probably going to resubmit Mythos soon, as well as the freshly renovated Voyageurs. Both have been rejected. I don't know if I'll have luck this time, either.

Richard has instructed me not to submit any queries until I'm over this dysthymic (low-level depressive) episode. I'm working on it.

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