Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wow, that was disastrous!



 My first day of class was a technological disaster.

It started with my email program (Outlook) displaying an unredeemable glitch. The program told me there was a corrupted file, let me repair it, and lo and behold -- the file was not repaired. And I could not use Outlook. On a day where 20 or more students required my attention.

Then my Zoom link disappeared. So all my students were in a chat room that I couldn't access. So I sent them a new link and most of them found me.

I was rehearsing what it would be like with Zoom/in-class at the same time, because that well could happen this semester. This required the spiffy new camera and microphone I got yesterday. The setup seemed to work just fine -- until I got to the classroom, and then the screen got twitchy, turning itself on and off.

In the morning class, I just about passed out. I think this was an artifact of some vigorous walking, lack of water, and nerves. But I plowed through and got through my first day.

Today I troubleshoot my computer and rehearse with the microphone and camera. Wish me luck.

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