Sunday, September 22, 2019

Writing Dark

I don't consider myself a very dark person. If you meet me in person, even when I'm depressed, I come off as perky, if somewhat squirrelly. (Some of this is a pose to keep my students from feeling threatened). If you know me well, I'm pretty straightforward. 

But sometimes, I write dark themes. In The Enforcer, the Archetype Boss Aingeal, serving in his role as enforcer of a Chinese gang, murders his rival and sends a bloody message to the leader of the gang. In Hands, a young man discovers his freakish talent to heal -- and kill. The very short story I'm writing now, The Message, involves an act of revenge for a mother's death.  

I suppose Apocalypse, with its end of the world scenario, is dark. I never thought of it that way. I guess I write dark themes more often than not.

I think I should challenge myself to write something completely funny for a change. The ideas that come to my head, though, aren't funny. 

Maybe funny is a new goal to work toward.

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