Monday, July 8, 2019

Strange activity on the blog

Occasionally, my blog will get bursts of energy, with several countries visiting all at once -- a bouquet of visitors from Japan and Ukraine and Moldova and Sweden and Moldova. All on the same type of browser. All reading the same note -- which is not the current post. Usually a day or two after I've last posted on a slow post week.

The most obvious solution is that my post count has been increased by a bot, probably one that can spoof countries. But why? Why bother spoofing different countries? Why bother actually connecting to a post? (I've noticed times when my hit count has increased with no specific blog posts hit). It doesn't seem to be an effort to disseminate porn links (which happens now and again). If it's a DDOS attack -- well, it's too modest for a DDOS attack. 

The only thing I can think of is that something or someone is trying to inflate my reader numbers. Thanks, I think.

Today I'm at the Graduate Hotel in Iowa City, IA, home of the Iowa Writers' Workshop (the ranks of which are too rarefied for me).  Here's a picture, apropos of Gaia's Hands:

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