Therefore, in the next two days, I need to:
- Write. Yes, I haven't given that up yet. I am writing this (because I want to maintain the blog) and I will hit my head against the dev edit of Voyageurs which somehow needs 24,000 words without extraneous information. Or maybe I should write the first page of a future novel.
- Eat well. I've actually been doing that for the most part for almost three years. I've lost 65 lbs from my heaviest. I'd like to lose 20 more pounds, but my body doesn't seem to want to, I don't want to fall back into old habits.
- Walk. This is something I need to incorporate in my life. I need to find more supports to walking because it's not something I love to do.
- Work. By this I mean start to organize my new semester. I will probably set up my new semester calendar today or tomorrow.
- Self-care. Good smelling bath and a facial mask for fun. Rose perfume (which I got cheaply -- it's a sample size).
- Reach out to others. This has been very difficult for me lately. My fears of rejection have multiplied with all the writing rejections I've gotten.
- Laugh. Oh, hell, I don't need to try to do that. I laugh all the time.
Love and best wishes for your New Year (if you celebrate this version of New Year)!